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Pathway to a degree in History, Archaeology or Religion

Three Cardiff University graduates who took the Exploring the Past pathway programme.

Our 'Exploring the Past' pathway to a degree in history, archaeology or religion has been designed for adults returning to education who want to move towards studying at degree level.

Exploring the Past pathway

Modules are taught in the evenings and weekends and have been designed specifically for the needs of busy adult learners.

How it works

The Exploring the Past pathway is made up of 60 credits. It is intended to provide you with the skills and experience needed and will guarantee you an interview, to study for a degree in the School of History, Archaeology and Religion.

Step one

You will study at least one core module worth 10 credits.

Step two

You will either study five 10 credit optional modules from the pathway programme or four 10 credit optional modules from the pathway programme and one appropriate 10 credit course from the wider programme (after consultation with the Coordinating Lecturer).

Pathway modules

Core modules

Optional modules

These usually change every academic year. 2024/25 optional modules include:


Under normal circumstances, you can expect to complete the pathway within one year, but you can take longer if needed.


Our Exploring the Past pathway to a degree offers an affordable route into Higher Education. You only have to sign up and pay for one module at a time and you have the option of splitting the cost into two instalments.

Financial help is available through a variety of different schemes. Once you start studying on the pathway you can also access expert advice on the best way to fund your studies should you go on to a degree.

Exploring the Past pathway student and his experience of a local dig

Exploring the Past Pathway Student and His Experience of a Local Dig


If you have any queries or would like to find out more about the Exploring the Past pathway, contact:

Dr Paul Webster

Coordinating Lecturer

Pathways to a degree