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Writing for Wellbeing

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Discover how writing can be used as a tool for developing personal wellbeing and self-awareness strategies while exploring ideas about the therapeutic benefits of writing.

Taught by a qualified counsellor and creative writing practitioner, this online course will enable you to explore the relationship between writing and wellbeing through guided learning activities and practical writing tasks.

While this course is not therapeutic, it is highly experiential, and you will be asked to engage with self-awareness activities.

It is essential that you enrol in advance. You will then be asked to complete and return your first reflective activity. Full details will be sent to you on enrolment.

Learning and teaching

The module will be delivered ‘asynchronously’ (i.e., you can study at times to suit you), with materials and writing prompts provided on a weekly basis.

Sessions will be made up of tutor audio/video recordings, student writing tasks, and use of discussion forums. The course will be hosted on Microsoft Teams to make the most effective use of the text-based elements of the course. There are no compulsory video calls.

You will be expected to complete writing tasks and reflection as part of your learning and assessment.

You will be able to access and complete tasks for this asynchronous course at times to suit you. However, you will be expected to engage with activities on a weekly basis.

Syllabus content

Topics are likely to include:

  • Introduction to Writing and Wellbeing
  • Writing Reflectively
  • Writing and Mindfulness
  • Writing for self-expression
  • Writing as self-care
  • Writing for self-awareness
  • Writing therapeutically
  • Writing as healing
  • Writing and Re-writing life narratives
  • Writing to capture and reclaim memories
  • Writing and Reflexivity

Coursework and assessment

To award credits we need to have evidence of the knowledge and skills you have gained or improved. Some of this has to be in a form that can be shown to external examiners so that we can be absolutely sure that standards are met across all courses and subjects.

The most important element of assessment is that it should enhance your learning. Our methods are designed to increase your confidence and we try very hard to devise ways of assessing you that are enjoyable and suitable for adults with busy lives.

You will produce a Writing for Wellbeing and Self-Awareness Reflective portfolio (1500-2000 words).

You will be introduced to the concept of reflective written practice.

Your portfolio will contain evidence of completed writing exercises and associated written reflection which will demonstrate an understanding of some of the key principles of writing for wellbeing and personal development.

The portfolio will be developed from the work produced from weekly exercises.

You will be given guidance on how to approach the reflective element but you will be expected to complete this as part of the additional study hours associated with a course at this level.

While this module sits within the suite of creative writing courses, the emphasis is on willingness to engage with self-awareness and personal development.

Your written work for this module will not be graded according to creative writing marking conventions, but rather by evidence of engagement with tasks.

Reading suggestions

You are not expected to read in advance of the course. The tutor will provide reading suggestions at the beginning of the course.

If you have any additional queries, please direct them to Dr Michelle Deininger, co-ordinating lecturer in Humanities

If you’re not sure if this course is for you, you can request to view the pre-course activity video in advance before you enrol.

Library and computing facilities

As a student on this course you are entitled to join and use the University’s library and computing facilities. Find out more about using these facilities.


Our aim is access for all. We aim to provide a confidential advice and support service for any student with a long term medical condition, disability or specific learning difficulty. We are able to offer one-to-one advice about disability, pre-enrolment visits, liaison with tutors and co-ordinating lecturers, material in alternative formats, arrangements for accessible courses, assessment arrangements, loan equipment and dyslexia screening.