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The Political System in Wales

Duration 12 weekly meetings plus 2 Saturday day school.
Tutor Pauline Beesley
Course code PLT24A5135A
Fee £528
Concessionary fee £422 (find out about eligibility and funding options)

50-51 Park Place
CF10 3AT

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The module will introduce you to the context and content of devolved policy-making and political representation in Wales.

It will explore the causes and consequences of the 2016 EU Referendum (Brexit) vote in Wales, the case for electoral reform and consider how legislation is made in The Senedd.

For those who have an interest in the voices which get heard in Wales, and those interested in Wales in a variety of contexts. This is also a 20 credit module on the Pathway to a degree in International Relations and Politics.

Learning and teaching

The course will be delivered through a mix of participative lectures, seminars and debates. You will develop and practice presentation and debating skills, as well as developing skills in informational analysis and use of evidence to prepare a rationale and reasoned argument.

Coursework and assessment

To award credits we need to have evidence of the knowledge and skills you have gained or improved.

You will be expected to write a presentation/report on one aspect of Welsh government.

You will be asked to identify an aspect of public life or policy (eg tuition fees, welsh newspapers, UK membership of the EU, etc) and make a case for whether they think the current governance arrangements for Wales are suitable, or whether this area would benefit from more or less devolution, or even independence from the UK.

You will be expected to provide a reasoned argument for your position based upon the course content and individual research and study.

Our assessments are flexible to suit the course and the you.

The most important element of assessment is that it should enhance your learning.

Our methods are designed to increase your confidence and we try very hard to devise ways of assessing you that are enjoyable and suitable for adults with busy lives.

Reading suggestions

If you are interested in Welsh affairs may wish to access Click on Wales, a good blog on Welsh issues hosted by the Institute for Welsh Affairs.

You may wish to explore the following texts:

  • Wyn Jones, R. & Scully, R. (2012) Wales Says Yes: Devolution and the 2011 Referendum Cardiff: University of Wales Press
  • Rawlings, R. (2002) Delineating Wales: Constitutional, Legal & Administrative Aspects of National Devolution Cardiff: University of Wales Press
  • Trench, A. (2007) Devolution and Power in the United Kingdom Manchester: Manchester University Press

Library and computing facilities

As a student on this course you are entitled to join and use the University’s library and computing facilities. Find out more about using these facilities.


Our aim is access for all. We aim to provide a confidential advice and support service for any student with a long term medical condition, disability or specific learning difficulty. We are able to offer one-to-one advice about disability, pre-enrolment visits, liaison with tutors and co-ordinating lecturers, material in alternative formats, arrangements for accessible courses, assessment arrangements, loan equipment and dyslexia screening.