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Mindfulness in Counselling

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This module aims to build on skills already developed in basic counselling skills courses.

Students will explore Mindfulness in Counselling as a contribution toward stress management and depression.

Learning and teaching

The course is taught through a mix of lectures and small group sessions.

On successful completion of the module a student will be able to:

  • Knowledge and Understanding: Perspectives of mindfulness in counselling.
  • Intellectual Skills: Reflection, analysis of theoretical perspectives.

Coursework and assessment

This course is assessed through a reflective journal.

Reading suggestions

  • Mindfulness in Plain English Ven. Henepola Gunaratana
  • The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic  Unhappiness, Williams, M., Teasdale, J,   Segal Z., Kabat-Zinn, J.
  • The Mindful Way Through Anxiety: Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your Life, Orsillo, S.M., Roemer, L
  • Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation, Rosenberg, L.

Library and computing facilities

As a student on this course you are entitled to join and use the University’s library and computing facilities. Find out more about using these facilities.


Our aim is access for all. We aim to provide a confidential advice and support service for any student with a long term medical condition, disability or specific learning difficulty. We are able to offer one-to-one advice about disability, pre-enrolment visits, liaison with tutors and co-ordinating lecturers, material in alternative formats, arrangements for accessible courses, assessment arrangements, loan equipment and dyslexia screening.