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Field Geology in South Shropshire (Part 2)

Duration Two weekends
Tutor Dr Nick Chidlaw
Course code SCI24A5351A
Fee £196
Concessionary fee £157 (find out about eligibility and funding options)

Cardiff city centre (venue to be confirmed)

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This comprehensive four-day module spread over two consecutive weekends immerses learners in the varied geological landscapes of South Shropshire, part of the Welsh borderland hills.

Students will explore a range of formations, from ancient volcanic and sedimentary rocks to diverse landforms shaped by tectonic activities and erosion through the ages

This hands-on course, involving practical fieldwork in notable locations like Brown Clee Hill and the Stiperstones, equips learners with the skills to conduct geological assessments and appreciate the complex geological history that characterises this region. Attendance on the Part 1 module is not necessary.

Learning and teaching

Field trip is 4 days (two consecutive weekends) with an emphasis on practical observation and recognition of significant features. 20 contact hours.

Students will be taught the basics of geological science, and the geology (including landforms) of the study area firstly through background reading of the handout forwarded to them in advance of the course (includes text, maps and descriptive annotated sketches); they will then be shown many of the aspects described in the handout in the field, having the handout available at all times for reference.

Field skills will be taught during the course, including how to observe and record, how to sample good reference specimens, and to be aware of and act on, key aspects of geological conservation and safety.

Coursework and assessment

A question paper to be given out at the end of the course. It is designed to be completed easily, but to reflect the range of the subject matter, testing the student’s understanding of the pre-course handout and what was described to them in the field.

Reading suggestions

  • Whitten with Brooks. 1974. A Dictionary of Geology. Penguin.
  • Kearey. 1996. The New Penguin Dictionary of Geology. Penguin.
  • Mondadori. 1977. The Macdonald Encyclopaedia of Rocks and Minerals. Macdonald.
  • Geological Museum. 1978. Britain before Man. HMSO.
  • British Museum (Natural History). 1969. British Palaeozoic Fossils. London.
  • British Museum (Natural History). 1972. British Mesozoic Fossils. London.
  • Fitter & Ray. The Seashore. Collins.
  • Hunter & Easterbrook. 2004. The Geological History of the British Isles. The Open University.

Library and computing facilities

As a student on this course you are entitled to join and use the University’s library and computing facilities. Find out more about using these facilities.


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