Published books
Published books available for purchase.
Intermittent Demand Forecasting

Intermittent Demand Forecasting, by Professor John Boylan, Lancaster University, and Professor Aris Syntetos, Cardiff University, is the first ever text to focus on the methods and approaches of intermittent, rather than fast, demand forecasting.
This new book by two leading UK academic experts aims to help practitioners better understand demand forecasting and inventory management, bringing leaner, greener benefits to global logistics.
Published by Wiley, Intermittent Demand Forecasting discusses how success should be measured in the context of managing inventories and supply chains and explains key forecasting methods through worked examples and illustrations.
Intermittent Demand Forecasting by John E. Boylan and Aris A. Syntetos is available from Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-119-13530-2 June 2021 400 Pages
Intermittent Demand Forecasting: Would you invest? - YouTube
Contemporary Operations

Contemporary Operations and Logistics - Achieving Excellence in Turbulent Times
Edited by Professor Peter Wells, 'Contemporary Operations and Logistics' contains all the latest research on logistics issues, from topics such as how 3DP will affect the logistics industry to the future of zero carbon logistics.
The chapters were written by leading members of the Logistics and Operations Management section of Cardiff Business School with input and insight from the PARC industry team.
You can purchase the book from the link above, or via Amazon.
We are an interdisciplinary mix of experts from Cardiff University and industry.