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Acute eye care study

Acute eye care image

We are looking to recruit research participants who have presented to A&E, optometrists, GPs or pharmacists with urgent eye-related issues.

The high demand for urgent eye care in the UK means that sometimes eye care services can be over-burdened. People with acute (urgent) eye problems may seek help from optometrists, pharmacists or GPs, or they may go to A&E.

There is usually an assumption that secondary care is more specialist, has better diagnostic equipment and better trained staff than primary care. However, A&E departments across the country vary vastly in both staffing and equipment, with some still not equipped with basic essential equipment such as a slit-lamp biomicroscope.

For each of these services, we want to know more about the different types of presenting eye problems, the patient’s journey, and the related costs.


Our aim is to characterise the frequency and burden of acute eye care services in Wales and to estimate the associated costs.

In this feasibility study, both a prospective and retrospective evaluation will be implemented using a novel combination of data from 4 service providers (A&E, GPs, optometrists and pharmacies). This study is for patients who have had an urgent eye-related issue and involves an interview over the phone with a researcher from Cardiff University where you will be asked questions about your or your child's eye condition.

We will also be inviting some patients and healthcare staff to take part in an extra face-to-face interview to discuss their experiences.

Take part

To be included in this study you must have (or have had) an urgent eye care problem and be able to complete the research questionnaires with a researcher in English or Welsh. This must also be your first time presenting to the healthcare establishment with this condition.

This study is also for healthcare staff participants, eg. staff working directly with patients recruited as participants.

Information sheets and consent forms

Before you decide whether or not to take part, it is important that you understand why the study is being done and what it will involve for you. Please read through the participant information sheet that is relevant to you and if you would like to take part in the study, please complete the relevant consent form.


For this study, any patient over the age of 16 is classed as an adult. If you would like more information about what the study will entail for this age group, please read the adult participant information sheet

If you would like to take part, please complete the adult participant consent form.

Complete adult consent form

Patients under the age of 16

We have developed participant information sheets for each age group under 16 that provide more detailed information on what the study will involve. There is also a parent/guardian information sheet available.

If you are a patient under the age of 16 and would like to take part in the study, a parent or guardian must complete a consent form on your behalf.

Complete parent/guardian consent form

You must also complete an assent form. Please contact the researcher if you haven't already got one of these and they will send one to you so you can sign it and post it back to them.

Healthcare staff

If you are a member of healthcare staff who provides acute eye care services and would like to take part, please complete the healthcare staff consent form. This includes administration staff as well as medical.

Complete healthcare staff consent form


Dr Angharad Hobby

Dr Angharad Hobby

+44 (0)29 2087 0588