Professor Paul Atkinson delivers NCRM Annual Lecture
8 November 2013
Professor Paul Atkinson, Distinguished Research Professor at the School of Social Sciences, recently presented the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) annual lecture.
His lecture, 'Why do fieldwork?', was held in London on October 23rd 2013 to a capacity crowd. Professor Atkinson reflected on research from his career arguing for the continuing relevance of rigorous field research, in contrast to more vaguely-specified 'qualitative' research.
Watch Professor Atkinson's lecture in full
Paul Atkinson is Distinguished Research Professor of Sociology at Cardiff University. He is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences. He and Sara Delamont are the founding editors of the Sage journal Qualitative Research. He is currently conducting fieldwork and writing about skills and expertise among potters, printers, glassblowers and others. His methodological publications include: The Ethnographic Imagination, Understanding Ethnographic Texts, ,Martyn Hammersley and Paul Atkinson, Ethnography: Principles in Practice, Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont and William Housley, Contours of Culture, Amanda Coffey and Paul Atkinson, Making Sense of Qualitative Data.