Student excellence celebrated
31 October 2017

Undergraduate students from Cardiff Business School have been recognised for their academic and placement success at a celebration held in the Postgraduate Teaching Centre.
The prize-giving event was hosted by Professor Roy Chandler while, Professor Martin Kitchener, Dean and Head of School, presented the prizes to the recipients.
Megan Thresher, a second year Business Management with Marketing student delivered a passionate student address and vote of thanks.

Megan went on to win the second year Vauxhall Finance Continuation prize for successful collaboration between business and education.
Prizes are offered to first, second and final year students in a range of categories, from best performance within individual modules to best student awards across degree programmes.
The School presented 52 awards in total. Last year’s newly inaugurated awards - Placement Student of the Year (sponsored by Welsh Financial Services) and Public Value Placement Student of the Year (sponsored by Cardiff International Airport) returned. These were awarded to Elizabeth Pescud and Hannah Wood respectively.

Elizabeth spent her placement year with Deloitte as Technology Consultant in Zurich, while Hannah undertook a successful placement with Cardiff & Vale Health Board. Both have successfully secured a graduate position in their respective companies upon completion of their final year in Cardiff Business School.
Several students received recognition in multiple categories including Wei Hao Jason Ling and Maximilian Schulze Wenning who each scooped five prizes. Hannah Maria Johnson, Rhian Mair Lewis, Madeline Anne Loftus, Francesca Melardi-Anderson and Rachel Lizhi Ng each took home two prizes.

As well as a certificate of achievement, winning students received a financial reward. Monetary gifts were provided by corporate sponsors, or through the nine prize funds available, many invested in memory of distinguished professors and academics.
The 2017 awards were sponsored by ACCA, Broomfield & Alexander, Cardiff Business Club, Community Foundation in Wales, Vauxhall Finance, ICAEW, The Hodge Foundation, The Office for National Statistics, South Wales Chartered Accountants, Welsh Financial Services and Cardiff International Airport.