School of Mathematics accreditation success
16 August 2017

The School of Mathematics has successfully achieved accreditation from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) for our undergraduate degree programmes. The accreditation covers the period until 2022 and further enhances our reputation as a leading UK department.
The IMA is the chartered professional body for mathematicians in the UK and obtaining this accreditation means that our degrees demonstrate both a high level of competency and professionalism in the area of mathematics. All of our four year integrated Masters (MMath; MMORS) schemes meet the requirement for gaining the CMath designation which is a professional status in advanced mathematics, well recognised by employers. Our single honours BSc schemes also contribute towards gaining this designation.
Head of School, Professor Tim Phillips, welcoming the new accreditation said: "I am delighted that the School has achieved accreditation from the IMA. Our undergraduate degree schemes provide an excellent education in mathematics, with top-quality teaching and support provided by our dedicated staff. The professional recognition provided by the IMA will be a further benefit to our graduates as they begin their careers."