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New Animation Brings Cancer Stem Cells to Life

26 February 2015

Dr Richard Clarkson and Alan Dimery
Dr Richard Clarkson and animation creator Alan Dimery

World Cancer Day saw the launch of a new animation produced exclusively for the European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute by voluntary supporter Alan Dimery. Keen animator Alan, from Cwmbran, has connections with cancer - he lost his partner to the disease and he is also a volunteer for cancer charity Tenovus. His tireless work for the charity resulted in him being presented with the Supportive Award in the Tenovus Volunteer Awards 2014.

The video shows what cancer stem cells are and how they form and explains the cancer stem cell theory in a very clear and simple manner, aimed very much at a lay audience. It has already proved to be a useful tool for presentations given by the Institute's Director, Professor Alan Clarke, who narrates part of the film. The video also showcases the work of Sophie Hopkins, who was a final year undergraduate student at the time of production, who went on to gain a 1st class honours degree for her efforts.

Video:  Animation of Cancer Stem Cells

Alan said:- "When I first met Professor Clarke, I was fascinated by the whole concept of cancer stem cells and the work of the Institute really struck a chord with me. I knew that I could visualise what I was being told with animation and I wanted to do something to help spread the word. I have been telling my friends that if I cannot find a cure for cancer myself I will try to highlight the work of people that can and so that is what I try to do. I'm really chuffed that my work is already proving useful and we're already talking about the possibility of further animation work."Dr Richard Clarkson has worked alongside Alan on this project and paid tribute to him, saying:- "I know that Alan has dedicated hundreds of hours to producing this animation and he has been painstaking in his efforts. I don't think he realises how valuable this short film will be to us in explaining the niche research we do, but it's been a pleasure to work with someone who is so selfless and is giving back to cancer research in kind, using his computer skills."

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