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Hundreds of Cardiff students to raise thousands for children’s hospital

17 November 2014

Med Day

A fourth year Medical student from Cardiff University is spearheading a huge fundraising campaign called Med Day, aimed at raising £10,000 for local medical causes.

Taking place on 21st November 2014, Med Day will see hundreds of Medical and Dental students swarm the city with their collection buckets. The fundraising initiative hopes to get as many students as possible involved in raising money for medical causes. There are a number of societies getting involved, with the Baking Society providing cakes for a stand in the University's School of Biosciences.

Supported by a team of students, fourth year Medical student Helen Iliff has been organising the event since August 2013. Speaking about the event, Helen said:

"With a number of sponsors secured we are hoping to raise £10,000 from the fundraising.

"All of the money collected on the day will go towards medical equipment at Noah's Ark children's hospital and CLAPA (Cleft Lips and Palate Association), chosen by the medical and dentistry students, we wanted people to know exactly where their money is going.

"We will be wearing bright green t-shirts so keep an eye out!"

The student led event has taken inspiration from a similar event held by students at Trinity College in Dublin, which raises £50,000 annually for local medical causes.
The team have got School of Medicine Alumni Dr Jamie Roberts involved too, who has had his photo taken in a Med Day t-shirt to show his support for the cause.

Various fundraising activities will be taking place leading up to the day. Students will be selling raffle tickets where the top prize is a signed Welsh Jersey. They will also be asking people to take part in 'Get Pie'd', which entails uploading a video of them having a plate of shaving foam or cream in their face on social media, nominating others to do the same and donate online.

You can follow Med Day on Twitter for the latest updates @meddaycardiff

Donate Online
with Virgin Money.

Image caption: Cardiff University alumni Dr Jamie Huw Roberts, with Geoff Davies WRU doctor and Hallam Amos 2nd year medical student.