Christ The King R.C Primary school visit
14 July 2017

On Tuesday 11 July CITER took their popular ‘blood, bones and gory bits’ workshop to Christ The Kings R.C Primary School in Llanishen, Cardiff as part of the school’s science week.
Approximately one hundred and twenty children from reception class and years one, two and three took part in three activities on ‘maggots and their role in wound healing’, ‘bones and organs’ and ‘blood and cells’. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves with some fantastic feedback from the teachers: “All the pupils absolutely loved the activities and you were also so warm and nurturing with the children…….hopefully we will see you all again for science week next year”.
The workshop was delivered by:
Dr Sophie Gilbert (School of Biosciences), Dr Emma Board-Davies (School of Dentistry), Dr Sian Morgan (School of Optometry and Vision Sciences), Alina Akhbanbetova (School of Optometry and Vision Sciences), Sarah Davis (School of Dentistry) and Georgia Mallison (School of Dentistry).
The success of CITER school workshops relies entirely on our brilliant volunteers; if you are interested in taking part please contact the CITER office at