TEF silver rating for University
22 June 2017

Cardiff University has been awarded a silver rating in the UK Government’s new Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF).
TEF, which is in a trial year for 2017, aims to recognise, reward and improve excellent teaching in higher education.
Based on the evidence available, the TEF panel judged that we deliver high quality teaching, learning and outcomes for our students. A silver classification also means that the University “consistently exceeds rigorous national quality requirements for UK higher education”.
The TEF panel noted that “students from all backgrounds achieve excellent outcomes” and “very high proportions of students continue with their studies and progress to employment, highly skilled employment or further study”.

The panel highlighted evidence of:
Professor Amanda Coffey, Cardiff University Pro-Vice Chancellor for Student Experience and Academic Standards, said: “We are pleased that our teaching quality and student experience have been judged to be of good quality, and are keen to learn lessons from participation in TEF to further improve.
“We challenge our students and offer them extensive support to achieve their potential...”
“While participation in TEF was not mandatory for Higher Education Institutions in Wales, we felt it was an important exercise, providing us with the opportunity to recognise our strengths and identifying areas of improvement to the student experience.”
Some of the strengths detailed in Cardiff University’s TEF submission included supporting teaching excellence, campus investment, global mobility, research-led learning, good retention rates and ensuring our graduates are work-ready.
The TEF assessment focuses on teaching quality, the learning environment, and student outcomes.
Assessments draw on a range of data, including National Student Survey results, graduate employability outcomes, retention rates and widening participation data. Institutions were invited to provide a narrative to support their submission.
TEF submissions are assessed by a review panel including academics, employers and students.