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University to help Cardiff become world’s first sustainable fish city

26 November 2014

Cardiff University has joined others in the City as the first to commit to removing all endangered species from their menus and instead promote fish which is more sustainable.

To celebrate World Fisheries Day, which took place on November 21st, three of Cardiff's top caterers, serving over three million meals per year have promised to help by pledging to serve only sustainable fish. Schoolchildren, university students, hospital patients and NHS staff across Cardiff will be offered sustainable fish as part of a campaign to make Cardiff the world's first sustainable Fish City.

Cardiff University is joined by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and the City of Cardiff Council Education Catering to remove all endangered species from their menus and instead promote fish which is more sustainable. This will include Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified fish and those from the Marine Conservation Society's 'fish to eat' list. This pledge is part of the city's campaign to become the world's first sustainable fish city.

Clive Newton, catering and Bars manager at Cardiff University said "As part of the University's Sustainable Food Policy we have signed the Sustainable Fish City pledge and will be working closely with our suppliers to develop a policy where only MSC certified fish and those rated as " Fish to Eat" by the Marine Conservation Society will be served in our Catering units"

Sustainable Fish City is a campaign group coordinated by Sustain, the alliance for better food and farming. The Cardiff focused campaign is being led by Food Cardiff who are seeking businesses, restaurants and venues to sign up to a sustainable fish policy.

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