GW4 Early Career Neuroscientist Day 2017
8 June 2017

Specially designed by and for those in the early stages of their neuroscience career, this popular one-day biannual event returns on 5 June 2017 with expert talks, networking opportunities and poster prizes.
The GW4 Early Career Neuroscientist Day (ECND) brings together postgraduates and post-doctoral researchers from Cardiff, Bristol, Bath and Exeter Universities to discuss best practice, share experiences and hear from experts in their field. It provides the perfect forum for open discussion and collaboration.
This year’s event welcomed 90 delegates to Cardiff University’s Hadyn Ellis Building for a day of talks and break-out sessions focusing on everything from scientific techniques and alternative careers to cellular neuroscience and public engagement.

Plenary lectures were delivered by Professor Marcus Munafo of University of Bristol, who spoke on ‘Scientific Ecosystems and Research Reproducibility’, followed by world-leading dementia expert Professor Clive Ballard, of University of Exeter, who explored the benefits and challenges of a career in clinical neuroscience.
Speakers from Cardiff University included Professor Adrian Harwood and Professor John Aggleton, former President of the British Neuroscience Association (BNA).
During the event, delegates enjoyed a varied range of research posters in the atrium as students presented their neuroscience projects and key findings.
Representatives from a wide range of academic and public engagement organisations, including the Green Man Festival and Pint of Science festival, also gave talks throughout the day.

“Helping to bring together researchers from several world-leading research intensive Universities to celebrate ground-breaking neuroscience was a real privilege,” said Hayley Moulding, an ECND committee member and postgraduate student in the School of Medicine.
“This event provides a space for early career researchers to network, ask questions and learn more about what’s on offer in the field. It informs future collaboration and decisions at any stage of your career.”
“We are delighted to see the GW4 Alliance gaining in strength each year, and we would like to thank everyone who supported this fantastic day. I can’t wait to see which city hosts it next!”
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