Society of Antiquaries of London comes to Cardiff
27 February 2017
Cardiff archaeologists give Views of an Antique Land lecture.
The distinguished Society of Antiquaries of London is to hold its latest meeting at Cardiff University with a public lecture from leading archaeologists in the principality.
Archaeologists from the University’s School of History, Archaeology and Religion will expand on the latest developments of Views of an Antique Land:- Imaging Egypt and Palestine in the First World War, the ongoing research project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund at the free event.
Professor Paul Nicholson and Dr Steve Mills, both Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries, will deliver the Society lecture on Thursday 2 March.
Founded in 1707 for the encouragement, advancement and furtherance of the study and knowledge of the antiquities and history of this and other countries, The Society of Antiquaries of London is international in its reach and interests. Today its 3,000 Fellows include many distinguished archaeologists and art and architectural historians holding positions of responsibility across the cultural heritage.
The Welsh Fellows organise supplementary events as a major Regional Group. The special lecture begins at 6pm, preceded by a brief formal Society meeting from 5.45pm. Tea will be served in the Restaurant in the Main Building from 4.45pm.
Views of an Antique Land: - Imaging Egypt and Palestine in the First World War begins at 6pm in the Wallace Lecture Theatre in the University’s Main Building on Park Place.