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Saving a failing project

5 July 2012

Saving a failing project
Mike Brooks, Director for Executive Education, Cardiff Business School

Business experts have shown how a failing project can be salvaged at a recent event, run by the Professional Development Team at the Centre for Lifelong Learning.

Martyn Bishop, Project Director at WSP, one of the world's fastest-growing design, engineering and management consultancies, used his first hand experience to illustrate the steps a company can follow to recover what may seem like a failing project. He explained to course members, all alumni of Cardiff's short course in project management, how they can ensure that they meet and exceed client expectations.

Mr Bishop said: "Project Recovery is such an important skill within project management. This was a great opportunity to pass on some of my experiences to help other project managers with their project difficulties. I was impressed with the attendees and very pleased with the interaction on the day. I am also impressed by the service offered within Cardiff University."

Mike Brooks, newly appointed Director for Executive Education at Cardiff Business School, led workshop discussions where the delegates considered the common types of project failure and the ways in which these could be avoided.

Mr Brooks said:"Continuing professional development, through periodic short programmes like those offered by the Centre for Lifelong Learning, combined with an alumni process, is an essential part of any professional's ongoing development. Real learning comes from experience and reflection. Events like this ensure we routinely share with one another common concerns and how they can be dealt with."

One of the attendees, Strategic Marketing Director Daniel Thorley said: "The event was excellent. The speakers really helped to engage the audience with the topic and the workshop sessions ensured that it was interactive. I have attended Cardiff University Innovation Network events before and I am impressed by the events held at the University."

Anyone who attends a Cardiff University short course in Project Management becomes part of the Alumni and is invited to other regular events like this one. To find out more about the Project Management Alumni and the short courses offered by the University please .

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