“A step too far? Where is international law in the light of Brexit?”
20 November 2016

The Rt. Hon. Dominic Grieve QC MP was welcomed to the School of Law and Politics this November to deliver the School’s annual lecture.
Mr Grieve has been the Conservative MP for Beaconsfield since 1997 and currently serves as the Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament. His lecture, which took place on 17 November, was timely and topical and entitled “A step too far? Where is international law in the light of Brexit?”
Mr Grieve was a prominent REMAIN advocate in the recent EU referendum, a position which he states on his parliamentary webpage was in part informed by the role as ”Attorney General from 2010 to 2014 when there was plenty of opportunity to observe the workings of the EU and its impact on the UK”.
The lecture attracted a large audience of over 200 guests which included many members of staff from across the School whose research focuses on the European Union.
Mr Grieve’s lecture was thought provoking and relevant, particularly in light of the High Court’s ruling the previous week that the British government did not have the authority to proceed with the UK’s exit from the European Union without the approval of parliament. Mr Grieve engaged with questions for more than 45 minutes after his lecture with the staff and students who attended.