RAG Week
3 December 2012

"Whilst life is never quiet at the Students' Union for anyone visiting last week things were a little more eventful than usual.
The annual RAG (Raise and Give) Week is a 100% student-run fundraising event dedicated to raising thousands of pounds for different charities in fun and exciting ways.
This year was certainly no exception. On Monday night hundreds of students crammed into CF10 to watch and laugh as man after man tried to impress a panel of ladies in a 'Take me Out' style dating game.
On Tuesday we ran a RAG raffle with a grand total of £1000 winnings and on Wednesday we invaded the popular club night Lash, taking advantage of the competitive nature of all the University sports teams to get them challenging each other.
Things got tough on Thursday when an unlucky few (including me) participated in 'Student v Food', an eating competition of truly epic proportions. As a contestant all I can say is my stomach still hurts!
Friday saw one of the most irritating elements of our fundraising activities with students dressing up as clowns and following a select few poor individuals until they paid them to go away. Harry Newman the SU President had to pay £70 to his clown before they finally left his side.
Then on Saturday, to crown the week off, RAG finished with its first ever 'LOST' event which saw 60 volunteer students blindfolded and put on a bus, driven for 3 hours to the middle of nowhere and expected to hitch-hike their way back. This tough but fun event raised over £4000.
The final fund raising figure is still coming in, but it's safe to say the week was a huge success raising a lot of money for some really great charities and I'd like to thank everyone who got involved."
- Adam Curtis, Societies Officer in the Students' Union