Exploring the Past
5 December 2012

A unique scheme offering adult learners the chance to access higher education has helped seven local adult learners transform their lives and progress onto a degree scheme.
The award-winning Exploring the Past Pathway scheme is celebrating the completion of its second year having already secured degree places for two adult learners in the 2010/11.
Run collaboratively by the Centre for Lifelong Learning and the School of History, Archaeology and Religion, it is designed to give adult learners the opportunity to experience research-led teaching first hand and progress towards studying a degree in archaeology, history or religion.
Joanne Wesley-Williams, is one of seven students who have successfully completed the Exploring the Past Pathway through the Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning and are now embarking on a degree at Cardiff University.
Like many other adult learners, Joanne missed out on higher education after leaving school. She decided to try the Pathway as a route back into education and used it as a means to better her life.
Joanne said: "As a mother of three young children it's important to be a positive role model, but educationally I had nothing to sing about after leaving school 25 years ago with just my GCSEs. I've now found a way to change that and feel much better placed when encouraging my children to study hard for the future.
"Each course has provided me with a different set of skills, broadening my knowledge and boosting my confidence. By the time I had completed a few modules I felt I was ready to further my education and now I have a completely new outlook for the future. I have been given an opportunity to return to study and hopefully carve a new career doing something I love."
The Exploring the Past Pathway provides students with real life changing opportunities which have been recognised by the Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) - the national body which represents part-time education in universities. The Pathway received a highly commended award from UALL in April 2012.
Courses are taught by people with both expert subject knowledge and the ability to support, inspire adult learners in a flexible timescale, framework and environment. More courses will be starting in January 2013.