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Royal recognition

3 January 2017

Professor Hywel Thomas
Professor Hywel Thomas FREng, FRS, FLSW, MAE

Leading figures from across the University community have received royal recognition in the annual Queen's New Year Honours list.

Professor Hywel Thomas, the University’s Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Engagement received a CBE for his ‘outstanding’ contribution to academic research and service to higher education.

Professor Thomas leads the University's research activities and its engagement with innovation, including commercialisation and the broader economic impact of the University.

His research interests cover a wide range of geoenvironmental issues, from coupled multiphysics/geochemistry flow problems in soils and rocks, through to sustainability issues in general.

A major focus of his work is the geological disposal of high level nuclear waste. Current interests include the geoenergy field, with major projects on ground source heat, underground coal gasification, exploitation of unconventional gas and carbon sequestration in coal seams.

During the course of his academic career, he has produced more than 400 technical papers and reports and has lectured extensively both at home and abroad. Professor Anita Thapar, from the School of Medicine, also received a CBE for services to child and adolescent psychiatry.

Prof Anita Thapar

Professor Thapar heads the University’s academic Child & Adolescent Psychiatry section at the Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences and directs the developmental disorders group within the University’s leading MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics.

Her research focuses on the origins, development and complications of neurodevelopmental disorders and has a specific interest in the contribution/interplay of early environmental exposures and genetic risks. Professor Wen Jiang, also from the School of Medicine, received an MBE for his contribution to international cancer research.

Wen Jiang

Professor Jiang has a long-standing interest in cancer metastasis. His main research interest is the molecular and cellular basis of cancer invasion and metastasis and therapeutic aspects of targeting cancer metastasis.

His research has seen him collaborate widely with colleagues in the UK, China, Europe, North America and Asia. He is also a leading figure in the University’s attempt to forge new academic links with leading Chinese universities.

Welcoming the news, Vice-Chancellor, Professor Colin Riordan said: "On behalf of the whole University, I would like to congratulate those individuals who have received honours.

“I am delighted their outstanding contributions have been recognised."