NHS bursaries will be available for those enrolling on a healthcare programme in Wales in September 2017
16 December 2016

Unlike in England, where NHS bursaries covering tuition fees are no longer available, the Welsh Government has made the announcement that those embarking on a healthcare programme in Wales will still be able to access bursaries to cover tuition fees and a maintenance grant to assist with living costs in September 2017.
FInd out more on our fees and funding webpages.
Eligibility for the bursary will be based upon individuals committing in advance to take up the opportunity to work in Wales, post-qualification, for a period of two years.
Students normally domiciled in Wales and who choose NOT to make the commitment to work in Wales post qualification could, subject to eligibility conditions, apply for funding via Student Finance Wales.
If you are a student from elsewhere in the UK and you want to study a healthcare course at Cardiff University starting in September 2017 but you choose NOT to make the commitment to work in Wales post qualification you may be able to apply for alternative funding via your home UK relevant student funding service. Student funding services in each of the home UK countries will be implementing new regulations to allow for this.
Further information will be announced by the Welsh Government on the 31st March 2017, and details will be circulated to all offer-holders.
Study in Cardiff
Healthcare is an incredibly rewarding area in which to work and study, with the opportunity to make a real and positive difference. Our undergraduate healthcare programmes are rated among the best in the UK, with consistently high employment rates. Our students benefit from access to state of the art technologies and expert teaching at an internationally renowned School of Healthcare. Our priority is to ensure you develop the confidence to go on to work in the exciting environment that is modern healthcare delivery.

I really enjoyed my time studying at Cardiff. The course was challenging, and we were always encouraged to think creatively and autonomously. As a result I am a lot more confident as a practitioner. I particularly enjoyed the real-world experiences of placements, which definitely inspired me to stay and work in Cardiff after I graduated