Survey investigates state of children’s book market
25 November 2016

Noted academic conducts a National Survey of Welsh-language Books for Children and Young Adults.
Dr Siwan Rosser, a lecturer and noted expert on children’s literature, from Cardiff University’s School of Welsh, has been commissioned by the Welsh Books Council to conduct a National Survey of Welsh-language Books for Children and Young Adults.
The aim of the Survey is to weigh up and consider the current state of the children’s and young people’s book market. In addition to assessing data and research relating to Welsh books for young readers, the Survey will canvass the opinions of publishers, booksellers, librarians, readers, teachers and parents through interviews and focus groups.
Additionally, in order to allow as many people as possible to take part, Dr Rosser has designed an online Survey with questions aimed at children, adolescents and adults who read and buy Welsh books. Those who take an interest in books for children and young people can contribute to the Survey by following the link until January 8, 2017. (The Survey is available in Welsh only)
Dr Rosser said: “Welsh children’s and young adults publishing is facing an exciting but challenging period. With the growth of Welsh medium education comes an increasing demand for attractive reading material, but the current economic climate limits what can be achieved. How then can we respond creatively to the challenge of ensuring that the Welsh language feeds the imagination of our children and young people? Here’s your chance to have your say about what you want to see on your bookshelves.”
The Survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and it is open to a broad audience - anyone involved with the reading, buying, teaching or promoting of Welsh books for children and young adults. Anyone who does complete the Survey is encouraged to share the link with friends, children, parents and teachers within their network in order that the Survey achieves the greatest amount of responses and data possible before it closes on 8 January 2017.
Respond to the Survey (Welsh language) through the following link: National Survey of Welsh-language Books for Children and Young Adults
An English-language survey for parents, booksellers and librarians is also available.
For further information about the Survey please contact Siwan Rosser or follow her on Twitter: @SiwanRosser.