Cities: Ensuring Prosperity, Equality and Well-Being
14 November 2016
The penultimate event as part of the School of Geography and Planning’s 50th anniversary celebration; ‘Cities: Ensuring Prosperity, Equality and Well-Being’, will address the challenges and implications for future urban development and policy.
The School of Geography and Planning is very active in research that helps us better understand the way cities and urban environments work, as well as helping to develop better planning and policy approaches to designing and managing urban settlements. Experts from the School will provide insights into their work during this conference as well as keynote presentations from Adam Price, Assembly Member and Andrew Carter, Deputy Chief Executive, Centre for Cities. The conference will address a range of issues including city resilience, urban governance in the age of austerity, the social mix of cities, and living at the urban margins.
Speaking about the event Professor of Economic Geography, Robert Huggins said: “Cities around the world are increasingly facing multi-dimensional and multi-scalar challenges as they seek to create prosperous, socially inclusive and liveable urban environments. The School of Geography and Planning plays an internationally leading role in research and academic inquiry associated with the development, management and sustainability of cities. This conference will showcase a range of this work, and help set an agenda for research on the future of cities”.
The event, Cities: Ensuring Prosperity, Equality and Well-Being, takes place on Wednesday 16th November in the Glamorgan Building, Cardiff University.