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Supporting student victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence

16 September 2016

Contact details for the TALK campaign to tackle domestic abuse and sexual violence

Today sees the launch of TALK, a University partnership with local domestic abuse charity, Atal y Fro, and the Police and Crime Commissioner to identify and support students who are experiencing, or have been a victim of, domestic abuse and sexual violence.

TALK stands for Tell, Advise, Listen and Keep Safe, and aims to tackle domestic abuse and sexual violence by improving early identification and intervention; increasing reporting by increasing victim confidence and encouraging prevention.

Atal y Fro has introduced an independent adviser who will be a dedicated point of referral for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence, and deliver training to university staff including personal tutors and staff from Counselling and Wellbeing, the Students’ Union and Security.

The Independent Adviser will also work with staff and student groups to develop their understanding of domestic abuse and sexual violence, and the importance of challenging and reporting inappropriate behaviour.

Julie Grady, John Cowley, Hollie Vice President for Welfare (Students' Union) and South Wales Police

Ben Lewis, Director of Student Support and Wellbeing, said: “A student’s Tutor or a member of staff may have the greatest opportunity to identify a change in a student’s behaviour, as a result of them experiencing domestic abuse or sexual violence. We are already seeing the benefit of the training our staff have received.

“Having a dedicated, independent adviser that we can refer a student to is invaluable. Working together we can ensure that any student affected receives the very best care and support.”

Director of Atal y Fro, Kay Quinn said: “We are delighted to be taking this project forward, to be in a position to help university staff and students understand the complexities of domestic abuse and sexual violence, and to support victims.

Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales, Alun Michael, said: “Our student population in South Wales is a unique community. Most are young, many are living away from home for the first time, and often they are vulnerable because they do not have their normal support system of parents and friends around them.

“This is why it is so important that students and university staff have access to a specialist, independent adviser who will deliver targeted training and be a dedicated point of referral.”

If you are experiencing, or have been a victim of domestic abuse or sexual violence please talk to Student Support Services or contact Julie Grady, Independent Specialist on 07787 508719 or at

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