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Cardiff Futures

9 April 2013

I am pleased to announce that we are running Cardiff Futures, the Vice Chancellor's development programme for Early Career Academics again and I am now inviting applications for the 2013 / 2014 intake.

The Cardiff Futures programme is an opportunity for academic staff to develop their career paths and to discover and explore how they might contribute to shaping the future of our University.

Through a series of seven workshops (each of one or two days duration) over nine months, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the governance of the University, to explore opportunities to shape the University's strategic direction and to build a sense of community with colleagues from other Schools and Departments. I lead the programme personally and all of my senior team will be involved throughout, as will senior leaders from other HEIs and beyond.

In addition to the sessions themed around core aspects of the University, participants will be able to explore key trends shaping the changing landscape of Higher Education. Participants will also be able to explore how the University's strategic plans can respond to the range of constraints, imperatives and opportunities those changes present.

I am seeking to create space for the cultivation of a collaborative approach across the University as well as to support academic staff in the development of their own professional aspirations. One of the ways in which the programme achieves this is by awarding participants a small amount of funding to work on an interdisciplinary group project in collaboration with other participants. Do you have an idea for a group project which address issues of relevance and can deliver a real benefit to the University?

You can find out more about one of this year's projects – Healthy Places, Healthy People – later in this edition of Blas.

I have developed the programme with early career academics and those relatively new to the University in mind. However, participants with more experience could also benefit and are welcome to apply. I will also be making up to four places available for professional services staff for their development.

Places are limited to 24. To apply please complete the application form. Applications will need the support of your Head of School or the Chief Operating Officer and so I'd encourage you to discuss your interest in the programme with your Head of School/ Departmental Director in the first instance.

The deadline for applications is Friday 17 May 2013 and I will notify applicants by Monday 17 June 2013 whether they have been successful in securing a place on this year's programme.

If you would like to discuss what's involved in more detail please contact either Sue Midha, Director of Leadership and Staff Development (ext: 75996, email: or Chris Carey, Programme Coordinator (ext: 79096 email:

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