One of the world's elite universities
14 May 2013

Cardiff has been ranked as one of the top 200 universities in the world in 20 different subjects, according to a recent international league table.
The QS World University Rankings by Subject published in May 2013 lists Cardiff as one of the world's elite universities in its annual survey. It provides the only means available to prospective students of placing universities in order for their particular area of interest, rather than as whole institutions or broad faculty combinations.
Of Cardiff's 20 subjects in the top 200, Geography was ranked 48th; seven subjects were ranked between 51-100; nine subjects ranked 101-150; and three between 151-200.
Since the last league table in 2012, 12 of the University's subject areas have improved or appeared in the top 200 for the first time. They are:
·Engineering - Mechanical
·Biological Sciences
·Earth & Marine Sciences
·Accounting & Finance
·Communication & Media Studies
·Statistics & Operational Research
Professor Tricia Price, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience and Academic Standards said: "We work very hard to ensure that we provide an enriching, supportive and rewarding experience for all of our students. To have our strengths recognised – in so many subject areas – is outstanding. It's testament to the dedication of our staff and a reward for the ongoing investment we are making in our facilities and services which give students the very best university environment.
"Although this league table is a good indication that we are getting things right, we are always careful not to rely too heavily on such measures. Indeed, some subjects we teach are not covered by this league table. We also place great value on the opinions of students and research partners, the continued popularity of the University amongst prospective students and in the significant grants, awards and funding won by our researchers each year."
Launched in 2011, the annual QS World University Rankings by Subject is a comprehensive guide to a range of popular subject areas. Now in its 3rd year, the rankings series reveals the top 200 universities in the world for 30 individual subjects.
The third edition of the QS World University Rankings by Subject evaluated 2,858 universities and ranked 678 institutions in total. 68 million citations were analyzed and we verified the provision of 8,391 programs. The ranking is based on 4 criteria - academic opinion; employer opinion; citations data; and H-index.