Staff celebrate Green Impact Awards success
22 June 2016

Professional Services staff from the School of Welsh have received a Silver Award in the National Union of Students Green Impact Awards while a key member of the team was awarded the National Environmental Hero Award.
Green Impact is an environmental accreditation and awards scheme which encourages sustainable working practices in HE institutions.
The team established good practice by incorporating sustainable procedures in the office including double sided printing and use of iPads in meetings to limit the number of materials printed.
While the School’s success is a team effort, one member of staff was recognised for her significant contribution. Mari Rowlands, Staff Support Administrator for the School of Welsh and Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre, received the Environmental Hero Award from Vice-Chancellor Colin Riordan at a ceremony held in the University’s Main Building.
During the past year Mari arranged a number of charitable events including:
- encouraging staff to give goods and presents to the Llamau charities appeal
- raising £120 through a coffee morning– enough to sponsor a prize in the Eisteddfod
- organising a Fair Trade goods event
Eirwen Williams, School Manager, said: “I’m very proud of the team’s achievement and particularly pleased that Mari, who has led this project, was recognised with the National Award for her hard work and commitment. The aim now is to achieve Gold standard and I'm sure we will get there in no time.”