Digital 2016
16 June 2016

The National Software Academy was back at the Celtic Manor Resort this month for Wales’ largest festival of digital inspiration and innovation, Digital 2016.
Around 2,000 delegates attended the event for two days of talks, panels, demonstrations and networking opportunities.
As well as demonstrating their projects, students from the Academy welcomed pupils from local schools, who took part in coding workshops.
Attending with Technocamps, the organisation set up to get young people excited about Computer Science and STEM subjects, the pupils experienced first-hand what it’s like to manipulate and edit code by creating their own bespoke version of the Space Invaders game.
The National Software Academy was created almost two years ago as part of a joint venture with Welsh Government and the Alacrity Foundation. The Academy aims to address the national shortage of skilled programming and software engineering graduates.
Matthew Turner, Academy Manager, said: “The ethos of the Academy is all about working in partnership with industry and so high-profile events such as Digital 2016 allow us to showcase the benefits of collaborations with the Academy.”
The BSc Applied Software Engineering programme is one of the first degrees of its kind in the UK that is delivering an industry-integrated, undergraduate degree that makes use of industry-proven tools and techniques to facilitate the transition of graduates into the job market.
For further information as to how you could be involved with the National Software Academy, please contact Matthew Turner.