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Employment success story for Cardiff graduates

3 July 2014

Graduating student

More Cardiff University graduates are finding jobs than the national average, according to the latest figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey reports that more than 95% of Cardiff graduates are in employment or further study.

The data released today (July 3rd) for 2012/13 graduates, reveal that the University's performance indicator of 95.1% is above the UK average of 92.1% and is the highest of all the Welsh universities.

The University also climbed five places from the previous survey to be placed second of all the Russell Group universities; a group that represents 24 of the UK's leading universities for research and outstanding teaching and learning.

Employment Table

Out of 161 UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) who conducted the survey, indicators for UK domicile full-time first degree leavers were produced for 154, with only 25 Higher Educations Institutions achieving an indicator of over 95%.

Professor Patricia Price, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Student Experience and Academic Standards, said: "The results of the survey are incredibly pleasing and reflect the quality of teaching and support offered by our academic staff. Producing highly employable graduates is at the core of our education ambition.

"The excellent service provided by the University's Careers and Employability office for placements, internships, skills development and enterprise initiatives, as well as the wonderful support from the Students' Union for volunteering opportunities and work experience; helps to ensure we are providing our students with the very best opportunities to enhance their employability.

"We also recognise the value of our students spending time working, studying or volunteering abroad and learning a second language during their studies; which is why we have introduced even more initiatives to enhance the student experience and develop graduates who can stand out in an international job market."

The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey is an annual collection of data that provides information on the activities of leavers from higher education gathered approximately six months after their graduation.