Inaugural Wyn Roberts Memorial Lecture
13 May 2014

Professor Sir John Meurig Thomas, FRS - one of the world's leading authorities in the field of catalysis – recently delivered the School of Chemistry's inaugural Wyn Roberts Memorial Lecture.
The lecture entitled, "Chemical adventures using the unified principles of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis", highlighted many of the significant discoveries that he has made in this important field in recent years.
Professor Thomas was formerly Head of Physical Chemistry at the University of Cambridge and Director of the Royal Institution. He is currently Honorary Professor of Solid-State Chemistry at the University of Cambridge.

The lecture, which will be awarded annually to an internationally distinguished scientist in the field of Physical Chemistry, was established in memory of Professor Wyn Roberts who sadly passed away earlier this year. Professor Wyn Roberts had a 35-year association with the School of Chemistry [Professor of Physical Chemistry (1979 – 1997); Head of School (1988 – 1997); Honorary Research Professor (1997 – 2014)].
Details of the next lecture in the series will be announced early next year.