Institute establishes ecological restoration working group
12 May 2014
Ecological restoration, the practice of renewing and restoring degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystems and habitats in the environment by active human intervention and action, has been much studied by researchers interested in biological and natural sciences.
However, in recent years the importance of taking a holistic approach to ecological restoration has become more apparent.
Led by Sustainable Places Research Institute Professor, Susan Baker, a new group has been formed, bringing together those working on ecological restoration across Cardiff University from a range of disciplines.
The group will work to improve collaboration on restoration ecology research, develop new interdisciplinary projects and address the lack of research papers on ecological restoration from a governance or political science perspective. As a first step a reading group has been established, to review existing literature, Currently, the group is reading Motivations for the restoration of ecosystems, Andre F. Clewell and James Aronson (2006).
To get involved or find out more email