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Sustainable Food Systems: the need for a new approach

17 April 2014

This week saw the launch of Sustainable Food Systems: Building a New Paradigm, a new book edited by Professor Terry Marsden and Dr Adrian Morley.

Sustainable Food Systems: Building a New Paradigm book cover

The event, which was hosted by the Sustainable Places Research Institute and the School of Planning and Geography's Innovation and Engagement Unit, explored the linkages between social science research and the evolving food security problems facing the world at a critical juncture in the debates associated with not only food quality, but also its provenance, vulnerability and the inherent unsustainability of current systems of production and consumption.

Chaired by Professor Kevin Morgan, Cardiff School of Planning and Geography. The launch was an opportunity to bring together academics and practitioners to give their thoughts on the challenges of a growing population and food security, and the need to construct a new agri-food sustainability model.

If you missed the launch, why not watch it on-line instead?