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Meetings for Postgraduate Research Students to discuss our Academic Future

14 February 2025

Main Building, Cardiff University Cathays campus

Read a message from your Pro Vice-Chancellors and Dean for Postgraduate Research Students, sent on 14 February.

As this is a copy of an email sent to students, the links within are on the student intranet and require logging in to access.

Dear Postgraduate Researcher,

We recently wrote to you with an update on how we will begin to deliver our strategy, starting with proposals to shape our Academic Future.

While these are proposals and no decisions have been made, we understand that some of the information has been unsettling. We also appreciate that some of you will have already attended a student Town Hall meeting and given us the opportunity to answer your questions there.

To enable a discussion for Postgraduate Research Students, we are inviting you to attend a meeting, organised in partnership with the Students' Union. This will allow time specifically for postgraduate researchers to discuss the proposals with university leaders, ask questions and offer your feedback. Many thanks to Micaela Panes, Students' Union Vice-President Postgraduate Students for supporting these events.

Attending the event will be:

There will be 3 meetings on Wednesday 19 February, one for each College. You are welcome to attend any of these events. If attending a meeting for a different college, please understand that not all areas of discussion may be relevant for you.

We understand that some of you will have clashes with planned teaching or may not be able to make it to campus. You can watch online via the links below and we'll be recording the session on Panopto to make it available following the sessions.

College of Biomedical and Life Sciences (BLS):

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS):

College of Physical Sciences and Engineering (PSE):

You can also feedback by emailing

Kind regards,

Professor Nicola Innes
Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education and Student Experience

Professor Roger Whitaker
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research, Innovation and Enterprise

Dr Liz Wren-Owens
Dean for Postgraduate Research Students

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