Review of the year 2024
17 February 2025

Cardiff University’s strategy is built around a bold mission: to co-create and share new knowledge that paves the way for a better world for future generations - and at the CPD Unit, we're helping to achieve this.
We are pleased to present our Review of the Year 2024, detailing the different aspects to our work and how we develop and nurture inter-disciplinary opportunities to support the university's strategic objectives.
We will offer flexible, tailored, lifelong learning to our students that gives them choices, agency and a voice, and provide future-proofed knowledge and skills that they can apply in the real world to fulfil their aspirations. We will teach our students in a way that develops them further into resilient, critical, problem-solving change makers who know how to work together in an uncertain, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral, digitised world.
At the core of the university's commitment to tackling the world’s most pressing challenges lies our focus on equipping individuals and organisations with the skills and expertise needed to thrive in an ever-changing landscape. This is where the CPD Unit steps in – acting as a bridge across the university, uniting academics with the private, public, and third sectors to design cutting-edge training programmes that address the grand challenges of our time.
In 2024, our professional development portfolio has included critical areas such as climate change and the path to net zero, health innovation, AI and compound semiconductor technologies. Each of these fields demands urgent upskilling, reskilling, and new skilling to drive forward innovative solutions.
In our interactive review of the year, we have categorised our main areas of work into the following categories: working with global organisations, using CPD to tackle the UK's grand challenges, and transforming local communities. Our review is packed with links to videos, courses, partner and stakeholder websites, and articles and reports we think you may find interesting.
If you feel inspired after reading our review of the year, come and visit us for a chat at sbarc|spark. We’ll show you around, grab a cuppa at the café and enjoy Cardiff’s landmarks from the 6th floor balcony.