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June events brought fun and creativity to the community

26 June 2024

Group photo at Chinese Cultural Heritage Day 2024
Chinese Cultural Heritage Day 2024 at St Fagans

June events brought fun and creativity to the community

Staff from the Cardiff Confucius Institute (CCI) have been busy this month delivering events within the community.

Chinese Cultural Heritage Day – St Fagans National Museum of History – Sat 8th June

On Saturday 8th June, staff from the Institute partnered with the Chinese in Wales Association and St Fagans National Museum of History to deliver a Chinese Cultural Heritage Day. The event attracted over 5,500 visitors and involved more than 100 volunteers and staff. The cultural activities and resources provided were highlights of the day and greatly enriched the experience for all attendees.  Watch the Institute's video of the event on YouTube.

Professor Guoxiang Xia, Academic Director of Cardiff Confucius Institute said: “We were delighted to engage with so many visitors and to see them enjoying our Chinese activities and performances. We hope that some of those we talked to will also be inspired to register for one of our Chinese language courses available in the Autumn.”

Traditional Chinese Painting Course – Grange Pavilion – 4th to 25th June

Tutor, Shaojuan Wan, led a four-week Chinese Painting course for adults at Grange Pavilion in Cardiff. The course which took place in the evenings over four Tuesdays, was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended. By the end of the course the class were able to produce a beautiful artwork which they could take home.

Chinese Painting Class
Traditional Chinese Painting Class
Chinese Painting Artwork
Artwork produced from the Chinese Painting Course

Keithley from Cardiff said: “The Chinese Painting sessions have been such a joy to attend. Prior to my attendance, I knew very little about Chinese Painting. Our teacher, Shaojuan, is brilliant in the way that she encourages us all. Over the weeks I have become a confident painter. My family and friends tell me that my paintings are frame worthy, so I am off to Ikea next week to do just that. If this course comes up again, don’t hesitate, just sign up. You will love it!”

Demand for the course was high and the Institute are hoping to run a similar course again in the autumn.

What’s next? Cardiff Confucius Institute will be visiting Library Hubs in Cardiff during August to deliver Chinese craft activities for all. Come and join us at:

Wednesday 7th August 2:30pm at Penylan Library and Community Centre, Cardiff

Friday 16th August 11am – 12:30 at Rhiwbina Library Hub, Cardiff

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