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Learned Society of Wales elects Cardiff Professor as Fellow

23 May 2024

Professor Graeme Garrard
Professor Graeme Garrard

A Political Theorist from the School of Law and Politics has been elected as a Fellow to the Learned Society of Wales, which represents the best of Wales’ academic, cultural and civic life.

Professor Graeme Garrard of the School of Law and Politics was recognised for his contributions to the study of the theory of politics by Wales’s first national academy of science and letters this April.

The Society was established in 2010 for distinguished individuals with an association with Wales to help promote awareness of how the natural and social sciences, arts and humanities benefit society. Election to the Fellowship is a public recognition of academic excellence and is a rigorous and thorough process which sees nominations proposed and seconded by existing Fellows of the Society. Each candidate is also assessed by external experts of international standing in relevant fields before being considered by the appropriate scrutiny committee. Once elected, Fellows assist the Society in its work by serving on its various committees and working groups and by representing the Society both nationally and internationally.

Professor Garrard’s principal area of research is the Enlightenment and its critics. The Enlightenment was an eighteenth century intellectual and cultural movement that emphasised reason over superstition and science over blind faith. Professor Garrard teaches modules on Modern Political Thought, Twentieth Century Political Thought and Political Ethics at the School of Law and Politics.

Of his selection to the Fellowship, Professor Garrard said, "It is a real honour to be elected a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, which includes so many distinguished members.  It is a diverse body of people in universities and beyond with a vast collective knowledge and experience devoted to promoting research, inspiring learning and influencing policies for the public good in Wales.  I am looking forward to contributing to the Society's excellent work".

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