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Cardiff Business School Professor receives BAFA Lifetime Achievement Award

16 May 2024

Professor Kevin Holland
Professor Kevin Holland (right) at the BAFA Awards with Professor Teeven Soobaroyen ex-president BAFA.

Kevin Holland, Professor of Accounting and Taxation at Cardiff Business School, has received a Lifetime Achievement Award (2023) from the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA).

The prestigious BAFA Lifetime Achievement Award is given to individuals who have made a substantial or direct contribution to the UK academic accounting and finance through teaching, research or public service.

Professor Holland joined Cardiff Business School in 2014 having previously held professional positions at the University of Southampton and Aberystwyth University. Before academia, he qualified as a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW) with Price Waterhouse and specialised in taxation.

The main focus of Professor Holland’s research and teaching is taxation. Along with co-authors, he has published in a large number of journals including Abacus, Accounting and Business Research, British Accounting Review, British Tax Review, Critical Perspectives on Accounting  European Journal of Finance and Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation.

“I am very grateful to BAFA for the award, my numerous co-authors and colleagues for their support over the years, and my students for enduring my enthusiasm for all matters tax. I would like to think the award acknowledges the importance of viewing taxation much more broadly than a simple calculative practice. The effects of taxation policy and administration spread far beyond the impact of revenues raised and economic considerations.”
Professor Kevin Holland Professor of Accounting and Taxation

“Our very warmest congratulations go to Kevin on this very well-deserved recognition of his significant career achievements and contributions.”
Professor Rachel Ashworth Dean and Head of School

During his career, Professor Holland has participated in many external academic-related activities. Currently, he serves on editorial boards for journals such as Accounting and Business Research, Accounting, Finance and Governance Review and the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. He is a member of the British Accounting Review Steering Group, the Tax Research Network research committee and Senior Fellow at the ESRC Tax Administration Research Centre.

Former positions include membership of organisations including the Council of the Institute of Fiscal Studies and the Scientific Committee of the Chartered Association of Business Schools' Academic Journal Guide.

The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Professor Holland at the BAFA Annual Conference held on 8 – 10 April 2024.

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