Advocating for gender equality in mathematics: A voice at the House of Commons
19 January 2024

A PHD student from the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University is making a difference in the mathematics community by representing the Council of Mathematical Sciences and the London Mathematical Society.
In the recent Voice of the Future 2023 event held at the House of Commons, student Prachi Sahjwani, had the opportunity to pose an important question to key political figures.
Prachi addressed the gender disparities in mathematics, a field traditionally dominated by men.
Citing a statistic, Prachi mentioned that in 2017/2018, 89% of math professors in the UK were men, compared to only 11% women.
Furthermore, Prachi highlighted the underrepresentation of women in mathematical awards, including the Fields Medal, often regarded as the Nobel Prize for Mathematics.
The question probed the root causes of these disparities and called for concrete actions to rectify the gender imbalance in the world of mathematics.
"It was an honour to represent the Council of Mathematical Sciences and the London Mathematical Society at the Voice of the Future 2023 event. Gender disparities in mathematics are a pressing issue and we must take concrete steps to ensure equality and inclusivity in the mathematical community."
Currently, Prachi is pursuing a PhD in the field of Geometric Analysis at Cardiff University with her research focused on geometric inequalities.