New paper looking at GP training in Wales
1 November 2023

Following research commissioned and funded by Health Education and Improvement Wales, former CUREMeDE colleague Dorottya Cserzo worked with Alison Bullock on a publication of their study of a new model of training for GPs in Wales. They collected survey data and held focus groups with GP trainees and their trainers.
In this new model, more time is spent training in general practices but less time in hospital placements. Although they identified some disadvantages to the reduction of time in secondary care training posts, they concluded that spending more time in general practice improved how well-prepared the trainees felt for working as a GP. All trainees and most trainers thought that the benefits of the new model outweighed any drawbacks.
The paper entitled "Longer in primary care: a mixed-methods study of the Welsh GP training model" has been published in the British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) Open and is available now.