History roll call of honour
19 October 2023

Reader in History and Professor of Conservation become latest in line of prestigious Royal Historical Society Fellows
Reader in History Dr Padma Anagol and Professor of Conservation Jane Henderson have become the latest Cardiff University academics to become RHS Fellows.
More than a dozen historians in the School of History, Archaeology and Religion are also RHS Fellows.
A specialist in Indian history, Dr Padma Anagol is the author of Emergence of Feminism in India, 1850-1920. Her numerous publications include the co-edited critical collection, Rethinking Gender and Justice in South Asia, 1772-2013 and most recently Mapping Women's History: Recovery, Resistance and Activism in Colonial and Postcolonial India.
One of the founding editors of the journal Cultural and Social History, Dr Anagol is driven by a strong belief in disseminating history seeing her accept an advisor’s role on BBC History Magazine for 17 years and serve as the Asia Consultant for the International Baccalaureate Organization. Padma is on the editorial board of Women’s History Review; South Asia Research; Asian Literatures in Translation and a member of the research network Asia-Africa cluster at the School of History, Archaeology and Religion.
Winner of the Plowden medal in 2021, Professor Jane Henderson (PACR, FIIC) is Secretary General of the International Institute for Conservation and published widely on ways that the conservation of heritage can move to a more inclusive and responsive decision making principles, such as Disruptive conservation in the material transmission of past to future, Beyond lifetimes: who do we exclude when we keep things for the future? and Touch Decisions for heritage objects.
Alumna Jane (BSc 1987, MSc 2000) has recently completed work to support Welsh Government’s mapping of the status of Welsh museums. A member on the trustee board of the Welsh Federation of Museum and Art Galleries, ICOM UK and the Higher Education Museums and Galleries Fund Review panel, Jane also serves on the European standards body CEN TC 346 WG11 and chairs the BSI standard group B/560 concerned with the conservation of tangible cultural heritage.
Fellowship is open to all whose research provides a scholarly contribution to historical knowledge, with 2023’s intake including historians working in cognate disciplines in higher education such as Archaeology, the Built Environment, Art History, Museum Studies, Musicology, Philosophy and Theology.
Founded in 1868, the Royal Historical Society is the UK’s largest membership organisation for historians of all kinds and fosters an international community of historians with the latest intake including Fellows from 11 countries from as far afield as Australia and the United States.