New podcast explores the power of public value
28 September 2023

Cardiff Business School is thrilled to announce a new podcast, The Power of Public Value, which explores how to change our society and economy for the benefit of current and future generations.
The podcast uncovers the importance of going beyond profit, to bring humanity, sustainability, generosity, and innovation to the business sector. Tune in to find out how to pioneer positive business change through research, teaching, and engagement.
In each episode, a guest shares their powerful public value story with host, Professor Peter Wells, Pro Dean of Public Value at Cardiff Business School.
Hear our guests interpret, define, and represent the school’s public value principles, guided by their own personal motivations, values, and research interests.
“The episodes show how we really live and breathe the public value ethos as a business school. It’s been fascinating to have in-depth and meaningful conversations with our faculty and professional services colleagues about their inspiring research, teaching, and engagement initiatives. We’ve tackled the importance of challenging the business status quo to leave a positive impact on the world.”
Spanning six episodes, the first episode of the series will air on Tuesday 3 October, with the rest released weekly every Tuesday after this date.
The series kicks off with Peter interviewing Dr Deborah Hann, a Reader in Employer Relations. They discuss her active engagement with the local community as well as her research on the Living Wage which led to real-world change.
Other guests in the series include senior and early-career academics, as well as a professional services staff member from Cardiff Business School.
Full of thought-provoking conversations, the podcast helps the listener to think differently about how business can shape our society and economy.
Series one episodes and guests:
- Episode 1: Creating societal change – Dr Deborah Hann
- Episode 2: The activist academic: reshaping the fashion industry – Dr Hakan Karaosman
- Episode 3: Sustainable procurement and future generations – Professor Jane Lynch
- Episode 4: Materialistic values, happiness, and over-consumption – Dr Olaya Moldes Andres
- Episode 5: Hedgehogs, repurposing furniture and community engagement – Julia Leath
- Episode 6: Exploring the future trajectory of public value – Professor Calvin Jones
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Professor Peter Wells
Professor of Business and Sustainability, Director of the Centre for Automotive Industry Research, Pro Dean for Public Value