Association for Dental Education in Europe Conference
15 September 2023

Members of the CURMeDE team (Sophie, Elaine and Alison) recently attended the annual conference for the Association of Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) held in Liverpool.
The first fully in-person meeting since the pandemic, the 3-day event was a fantastic opportunity to catch up with old colleagues and friends and find out more about what is happening in the world of dental education.
The team were involved in several presentations throughout the event with Jon Cowpe presenting “Blurred Lines of Professionalism in Dentistry” which reported findings from a previous GDC project. Hannah Barrow from University College London also presented fundings from that study, entitled “Views of dental professionals and the public about dentistry professionalism standards. Are they similar to other professions?”.

Sophie Bartlett highlighted findings from our more recent GDC evaluation with a focus on dental registrants' preferences for online versus in-person continuing professional development (CPD). Other presentations from that study included reporting on “What Influences Dental Professionals' Choices of CPD Activities?”, presented by Sophie Bartlett and “Quantity versus quality: are hours-based approaches to Continuing Professional Development fit for purpose?", presented by Alison Bullock.