Quarter 2 Newsletter 2023
20 July 2023

Quality Management Update
We are proud to announce that we have been reaccredited until July 2025 for Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) following a successful external audit in June. This accreditation complements our ISO 9001:2015 certification.
GCLP is an established international quality system for laboratories that analyse samples from clinical trials in accordance with global Good Clinical Practice (GCP) regulations, ensuring the quality and reliability of the clinical trial data generated by the laboratory. Check out the Quality GCLP homepage here to learn all about this important accreditation.
We continue to encourage Cardiff University researchers and businesses to contact us about our services and quality management advice.
10x Genomics User Day at Cardiff University: 'Resolving Biology: Gain a Complete View of Biology with Single Cell and Spatial Analysis'
You are invited to register for this user day held by 10x Genomics on Thursday 14th September. This free user day will be held face-to-face from 10.30am to 3pm in the Hadyn Ellis Building. It comprises a wide range of presentations from 10x Genomics and researchers at Cardiff University - and lunch!
Registration is required. Click here to see the presentation titles and to register.
In this user day you will learn how single cell, spatial, and in situ technologies from 10x Genomics can help you uncover molecular insights, dissect cell-type differences, investigate the adaptive immune system, detect novel subtypes and biomarkers, and map the epigenetic landscape cell by cell.
Promoting our Quality Management Expertise
Cardiff University Technical Staff Conference
CBS team members supported the planning and delivery of the Cardiff University Technical Staff Conference on Thursday 22nd June. The conference title was 'Footsteps to your Future' with a focus on career progression, personal development and technician empowerment. This conference was attended by technical staff across Cardiff University, and from Bristol and Swansea Universities, with a wide range of presentations, a supplier exhibition and workshops on offer to all.
Training Update
We will be holding more training sessions, including flow cytometry courses by InCytometry, in the Autumn. Our training sessions are normally open to both internal and external researchers. Continue to check our website and follow us on Twitter for details of upcoming events, and do email us if you have any specific training requests.