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Supporting diversity

16 January 2014

Stonewall Star Performer Network Group 2014

For the fourth consecutive year Cardiff University has made it into Stonewall's Top 100 Employers in recognition of its commitment to equality for lesbian, gay and bisexual employees.

Moving up three places since last year, Cardiff is now ranked 52nd in an extremely competitive list compiled by gay rights charity Stonewall.

The Workplace Equality Index is Britain's leading tool for employers to measure their efforts to tackle discrimination and create inclusive workplaces for lesbian, gay and bisexual employees. Since 2005, more than 750 major employers have taken part in the Index using Stonewall's criteria as a model for good practice.

Cardiff was one of five UK universities featuring in the index and the only university in Wales to achieve this status. Stonewall have also named Cardiff University as one of their 'Star Performer Network Groups' for 2014. Recognition in this category is given to groups who are considered to have made an invaluable contribution to the experience of LGBT+ staff in their organisation and beyond.

Karen Cooke, Chair of Enfys the LGBT+ staff network said: 'The Stonewall Top 100 is one of the benchmarks we use to ensure the University remains committed to LGBT+ equality. To have remained in the Top 100 for a 4th year when 369 organisations took part in the process highlights the work we have done but also the work that remains. We know from comments made around the equal marriage debate last year that there is still plenty to do to support our LGBT+ staff and students. Huge thanks to the members of our staff network and our Friends of Enfys for their support around the university and we hope as many people as possible can come to one of our events in LGBT History Month in February.'

Cardiff University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Colin Riordan said: "This announcement confirms our commitment to diversity and to ensuring that Cardiff University is a welcoming and inclusive workplace for all employees. I am personally very supportive of our Enfys, our LGBT+ staff network, and I want to see Cardiff University continuing to improve in this vital area.

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