Nomination success
6 September 2012

Pioneering University research into violence, alcohol and late-night safety has been recognised with a nomination for the prestigious Times Higher Education awards.
The work of the University's Violence and Society Research Group (VSRG), led by Professor Jonathan Shepherd from the School of Dentistry, has been shortlisted in the 2012 Research Project of the Year category.
Research by the VSRG has had a significant impact on late-night injuries and violent behaviour in city centres. A key output of the group's research has been the development of the Cardiff Model for Violence Prevention which uses information gathered in Accident and Emergency departments to both measure violence and drive violence prevention activity.
Since the Model was implemented in Cardiff overall A&E violence related attendances have reduced by 30% and hospital admissions and serious violence recorded by the police have fallen by 42% and 32% respectively relative to cities where this model has not been implemented.
The model is now a Coalition Government Programme Commitment and, as a result of the Crime and Disorder Act, a core violence prevention strategy across the UK. It has been implemented in more than 100 hospitals across England and Wales.
Further afield the model is set to be implemented in the Dutch capital Amsterdam as well as other projects underway in the United States and South Africa.
Professor Chris McGuigan, the University's Pro Vice-Chancellor Research, Innovation and Enterprise said: "This nomination recognises excellent research, superbly translated to a real problem in society, and leading to major impact. The clear positive benefits which have emerged, underline the great importance of the work of the group and Professor Shepherd at Cardiff University".
The Times Higher Awards recognise ground-breaking work undertaken by UK higher education institutions. The successful winners will be announced on 29th November 2012.