What is happening in Scotland and Wales?
14 November 2022
Are Wales and Scotland on the road to independence? What do the independence movements in our two countries want to achieve? And what are the key differences between the two nations?
Gerry Hassan and Will Hayward are two of the leading writers on Scotland and Wales’ independence movements.
On December 7th, they will appear at Upstairs at the City Arms in a special discussion event organised as a new collaboration between Hiraeth Podcast and Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre, which aims to bring informal political debate to the city centre.
Hassan and Hayward will outline the key lessons from their recent books, Scotland Rising: The Case for Independence, and Independent Nation? Should Wales leave the UK.
These books don’t merely report on the independence movement in each country, but get to the very root causes of the desire for independence and how that relates to the structure, purpose and history of the United Kingdom.
Join us to assess whether Scotland and Wales are really on the same path, and whether there is any turning back…
The event is free but attendees need to register using this link.