A new team bringing students together
15 September 2022
The School of Computer Sciences and Informatics is delighted to introduce Matthew Jones who is heading up a new Student Experience team and an exciting and progressive plan to connect new students with the School and each other.
As well as ensuring access to fabulous facilities to optimise the experience of studying Computer Science or Software Development, the team are working to give students access to a new programme of support and social events.
“Joining social groups sounds easy, but for those new to the city and the university, it doesn’t always feel that way,” says Matthew.
“We have seen the benefits when students are supported to connect through societies like CyberSoc or our STEM Ambassador Scheme. These curated offers - over and above the usual university socials – see like-minded students benefiting from peer support and a personal welcome from our student leaders who’ve been there and experienced the transition to university life.”
The team hope to create a sense of belonging amongst students and their plan includes:
- a new wellbeing officer to offer on-hand and on-campus support
- a programme of curated events that will provide meeting points for students wanting to go running, share music, discuss books, enjoy computer gaming and E-Sports, join Yammer societies, attend away days and take part in pub quizzes.
- introductions to established groups like the STEM Ambassador Scheme (which sees students working in the community with school groups), Student Mentors or CyberSoc.
- new social space offers (including delicious street food) in our community spaces at ABACWS.
- one-to-one sessions to discuss tutor assessment and advise on interpretation of academic feedback and next steps.
- forums for international students to learn more about university services and events, and to find out about Cardiff and popular attractions in Wales that will help make their time here even more memorable.
“The work we’re doing is being developed in line with student feedback - the things our undergraduate and postgraduate students have welcomed and would like more of,” says Matthew.
Anyone wishing to know more about the initiative should contact Matthew Jones.