Labour’s Welsh dominance to be explained at Eisteddfod
1 August 2022

Professor Richard Wyn Jones, Director of Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre, will deliver a lecture on the Labour party’s electoral dominance of Wales at this year’s National Eisteddfod in Tregaron.
The lecture will mark a hundred years since the 1922 General Election, which was the first time the Labour Party won the largest number of votes and seats in Wales. It has repeated this feat in every general and devolved election since then - a record of success unmatched anywhere in the democratic world.
In his lecture the political commentator and scholar, Richard Wyn Jones, will use data from the Welsh Election Study to explain the Labour Party's grip on the Welsh electorate. The roles played by social class, national identity and a range of other factors will be assessed, to arrive at conclusions which will be of significance to both Labour’s adherents and opponents in Welsh politics.
The lecture will take place at Cymdeithasau 2, from 15:30-16:30, on Thursday 4th August, and simultaneous translation will be available.
More information about the National Eisteddfod can be found here.